Unit Of Practice

The Mole

Unit Of Practice  


This is a hands-on inquiry based unit on the mole.  


This is a project in which students will learn about the mole.  It contains fun inquiry based activities and PowerPoint presentation on the topic.  


Students will be working in a laboratory classroom everyday for a fifty-minute period for one month.


Activity 1:

Teacher notes:


Activity Inner Space

Lab time - 1 class

Process skills - formulating models and inferring  

Objective:  The objective of this activity is to provide a situation in which information regarding internal structure may be discovered without the luxury of direct observation.  

Materials:  12 sealed boxes, each containing one marble and various wooden shapes glued to the box bottoms.  Attached are suggested arrangements.  

Teaching strategies:

      The "atomic boxes" are constructed from empty check boxes or any other smaller size boxes, scrap wood shapes, and one marble per box.  Make certain that the boxes are not too flat or students will squeeze the box and be able to "feel" the shape inside.  The 12 numbered or lettered boxes are to be placed throughout the room and students are to follow the instructions under the procedure heading.  To ensure a degree of success, the students would be instructed on the orientation of the boxes (which side is the bottom, the side with the glued-on shapes) and could be provided with a sheet depicting the twelve different arrangements.

     Alternatively, an overhead transparency of the twelve arrangements could be displayed during the activity. I usually let the students experiment first before I put up the overhead with the internal patterns they can choose from. Each group member should be encouraged to contribute opinions as to the internal structure of the unknown box, and sharing between groups by using a white board can make this a cooperative effort.

     It is interesting to note that some students are able to "sense" the internal structures quite easily while others have great difficulty picturing the box contents.

Summing Up:

     1.  Answers will vary.

     2.  Objects within the boxes that would be difficult to detect might include extremely small objects (air molecules, smaller bits of matter, etc.), symmetrical objects near the box boundaries (like a strip of wood running completely along one side), flat objects (like a piece of paper or a coin), and objects not on the box bottom.

3.     Students were not able to "see" inside the boxes, just like scientists were not able to directly observe what is inside the atom.  Adapted from a suggestion by George McKelvy in the October 1988 Science Teacher and incorporated the Cristal Resources by Iowa Chemistry Task Force.  

Student Laboratory Sheet:

Inner Space



      How do researchers learn about atomic structure even when they are unable to directly observe what they are studying?


       sealed "atomic box" containing one "alpha marble"


      You have been given one of twelve different lettered "atomic boxes", each containing objects of varying size, shape and location.  Also contained within each box is an "alpha marble", which will assist you in determining the internal structure of your "atomic box".  Note which lettered box you are examining.  You now have five minutes to find and describe the shape(s) of the object(s) (nucleus) in the box (atom).  Sketch what you believe to be the internal structure of your "atom".

     After five minutes, examine a different box.  After another five minutes, exchange one more time so that each group will have investigated three boxes.  Make sure you record the letters of the boxes you examine.

Summing Up:

     1.  Summarize your findings with a sketch, including the size, shape, and location of the objects in each box you examined.

     2.  What types of objects within the boxes would be impossible to detect using this technique?

     3.  How does this experiment show the difficulties scientists encountered in discovering what were inside the atom?  

Activity 2:

Teacher Notes



Lab time:  1 class

Process skills:  interpreting data and experimenting


     By completing this investigation, students will gain experience in "counting" large numbers of objects and thereby learn to count by weighing.


     Prepare a number of containers of very small uniform objects. (I’ve found very tiny beads in a film canister works well.)  Predetermine the number of objects in each container prior to class.

Metric balance

Graduated cylinders


Teaching Strategies:

      It is important that you have so many objects that students will not be tempted to count the objects individually.  Encourage students to try more than one method of "counting".  You may have to provide them with a hint or encourage them to look around at what other students are trying.  Encourage creativity!

Summing Up:

     1.  One method could involve using a graduated cylinder and filling it with the objects to be counted to the 1mL mark.  The number of items comprising 1mL can then be easily counted.  The total volume of the objects can then be measured using a large graduated cylinder and the number of items calculated.

     A second method could involve weighing a given number of items, say 25-50, and then weighing the entire sample.  The total number of items can then be calculated.

     2.  The advantage of measuring the volume of the objects is that it is relatively easy and fast.  The disadvantage is that it may not be that accurate since there will be variable space between the particles placed into the graduated cylinder.  In addition, all of the objects may not be of uniform size and this could cause error in the counting process. 

     The advantage of using the mass to determine the number of items is that it is both simple and accurate.  The disadvantage is that, again, particles of non-uniform size could cause errors in estimating the number of objects in the sample.

     3.  Massing the objects will likely yield the most accurate results since the packing of the objects together is not a factor in this method of measuring.

Student Laboratory Sheet




     What are some different ways that can be used for "counting" large numbers of objects?  


      Containers with large number of small uniform objects, metric balance, rulers, graduated cylinders and beakers  


      Obtain a container with objects from your instructor.  Your job will be to determine the number of objects in the container.  Experiment with a number of different methods of counting.  Keep accurate notes of any counting methods attempted.  

Summing Up:

     1.  Write a description of each of the counting methods you tried for the objects.  Describe at least 2 different methods.

     2.  List the advantages and disadvantages of each counting method used.

3.     Of the counting methods used, which do you believe to be the freest of error?  Why?

PowerPoint Presentation:  See attachment  

Video: "The Atom" and "The Mole” from the World of Chemistry  

Students will be able to answer the following questions:

1.  Scientists view objects that are too small to see with the naked eye by using_______________.

2.  Like charges____________.

3.  A neutral atom has_____________numbers of positive protons and negative electrons.

4.  In the Rutherford experiment positively charged particles were deflected because they approached the__________________.

5.  Subatomic particles that are found in the nucleus of the atom are____________and______________.

6.  The fuzzy cloud in the video graphic represents the space around the nucleus occupied by the_________________.

7.  The nucleus is ___________________times smaller than the atom.

8.  The source of most of the lead in the atmosphere is______________.

9.  List two ways that knowledge of the atom is applied in the real world.

10. The scanning tunneling microscope shows images of the ___________.

1.  It was the study of___________of reacting gases that provided the first steps toward understanding the number relationship that exists between molecules when they react.

2.  Avogadro said that equal volumes of different gases contained the same number of molecules as long as they were measured at the same temperature and_________________.

3.  By comparing the masses of two equal volumes of gases measured under the same conditions, we have the ratio of the __________of individual molecules.

4.  A mole of carbon has a mass of 12______________.

5.  Moles of different substances all have different masses from one another but they all contain the ____________number of particles.

6.  Atomic masses in the periodic table are all__________masses based on assigning carbon a mass of 12.0000 units.

7.  Using relative atomic masses, the equation will also tell us the ____________of reactants needed and products formed.

8.  At the start of the experiment each flask contained ____________moles of hydrogen chloride.

9.  At the start of the experiment each balloon contained different amounts of ______________.

10.  Epoxies are known for their excellent strength and _____________.

11.     The mass of a mole of any element is its _____________ mass or its relative mass in grams.

Activity 3

Teacher Notes

Bean Salad

Concept Development  


      Students will simulate the process of how atomic amasses are determined.  This will help students to realize why atomic masses are not whole numbers.  

Teaching Strategies:

      Make sure that the students understand these analogies:

*  Each bean type = a different isotope of the element.

*  g/bean (grams per bean) = average mass of each bean = mass of each individual isotope

*  Weighted mass of isotopes = atomic mass of the element

     Some variation will result if there is a disproportionate amount of a larger massed bean.  (See attachment for sample data)  This disproportion will result in a skewing of the average mass of all isotopes = atomic mass of the element.

     You may need to explain some of the following ideas to your students.  But don't be hasty.  Let them experiment with their own ideas before providing them with this additional information.  All atomic masses are relative masses.  Carbon #12, atomic mass = 12.0000 amu. is the standard mass to which all other atomic masses are compared.  For this activity our standard mass will be the mass of 1 mL of water at 4C or 1.0000g.  

     Students may follow a procedure such as the one described below:

1) Record the total number of each different type of atom in a data table.

2) Calculate the atomic mass of each isotope by:

     a) Finding the total mass for each isotope and recording that in your data table.

     b) Dividing the total mass of each isotope by the number of atoms in your sample to find an average of a single atom.

3) Divide the number of atoms of each isotope by the total number of atoms in the baggie.  Repeat this for all the isotopes, recording your data in the data table.

4) Using the method of weighted averages; the atomic mass can be determined based on your data.  Atomic mass = % isotope (1) x mass of one atom of isotope (1) + % isotope (2) x mass of one atom of isotope (2) +.... n

Student Lab Sheet

Bean Salad  


       1) How can you determine the percent abundance of each isotope in a sample of an element?  2) How can you determine the atomic mass for an element from percent abundance?


      Isotopes are atoms of an element, which are chemically the same, but have different physical properties.  Isotopes differ in their atomic masses.  Since atoms are very small we will substitute a larger item, a bean, to represent the different isotopes of our element.  In this activity you will be using different types of beans.  Each bean represents an isotope of the new element pintonium.                        Using the masses of your beans, find the average atomic mass of your element, pintonium.  Be sure to show all of your calculations in answering each of the questions below.

Summing Up:

1.  How many different isotopes were in the container?

2.  What was the total mass of each group of isotopes?

3.  What is the atomic mass of each isotope?

4.  What were the percent abundances for each isotope in the entire sample?

5.  What was the weighted average atomic mass of your sample?

6.  A student obtained the following data when measuring a sample of element X:

  Isotope       # of atoms       Mass of sample

    A              40                 400

    B             160                1760

Calculate the following:

a) Percent composition of each bean.

b) Mass of each isotope.

c) The atomic mass of element X.

What is the name of element X?  

Activity 4

Teacher Notes

How Many Molecules of Water Are in Lake Erie?

Concept Development

Lab time: 1 day  


     By completing this activity students will be able to determine the number of water molecules in Lake Erie.  They will utilize the factor-label method to make difficult calculations by breaking a problem down into intermediate steps.  

Teaching Strategies:

     Students will first need to determine experimentally the number of drops of water in 1 mL, but let them figure this out on their own!  Drops should be of uniform size.  With the use of a balance, students should then determine that 1 mL of water has a mass of approximately 1 g.  If needed, review the factor-label method in making calculations.

     For simplicity, tell students to assume that Lake Erie is essentially a rectangular block so they can successfully calculate the volume. (See attachment for sample data)

Adapted from an idea described in The Science Teacher and adapted by Cristal.

Student Lab Sheet

How Many Molecules of Water Are in Lake Erie?  


      How do you determine the number of molecules of water in Lake Erie?


       Utilizing the equipment listed above and the following information, determine the number of molecules of water in Lake Erie.  

Helpful Information:

*One mole of anything contains 6.02 x 23 units.

*One mole of water has a mass of 18.02 grams.

*Lake Erie has an average depth of 18 m.

*Lake Erie covers 2.6 x 104 km squared.

Hold it a minute!  Are you sure that you have all of the information you need?  There might be more data needed from the lab.  Think about it.

     Don't forget to prepare a data table.  Utilize the factor label method in all of your calculations.

Summing Up:

1.  How many drops of water are in 2 L?

2.  How many drops of water are in Lake Erie?

3.  How many molecules of water are in Lake Erie?

4.  How many moles of water are in Lake Erie?

5.The recommended daily allowance of water is about 2 L.  How many molecules of water should you drink each day?

Activity 5

Teacher Notes

Mole Competition

Concept Development

Lab Time:  1 class period

Teaching Strategies:

     Group the class so the students with the most ability to solve these types of problems are distributed among the groups and continue to group accordingly.  Each member is to have a job in the group.  Each group has a team name that they call out when they bring an answer up.  Points are awarded according to the order completed and whether the answer is correct. (See attachment)  

Activity 6

Teacher Notes

Do You Catch Your Clippings?


Lab Time: 1 period


     In this activity, students will use a process similar to that used in the Millikan oil drop experiment to find the ass of a single electron.  They will use this process to find the mass of a single paper clip from the masses of groups of paper clips.

Teaching Strategies:

     The purpose of this activity is to have students find the mass of a single paper clip without directly massing it.  It should be stressed before the students begin that they should never mass a single paper clip, even after having completed all the measurements.  They also should never count the number of clips in or out of the beaker at any time for the same reasons.  The students can only use their 25 massings to find the answer.

     Jumbo paper clips are desirable, since any variation in mass is a small percentage of the total mass of clips.  A digital scale is also desirable since the number of measurements needed is considerable.

     As the students are massing and looking for patterns, remind them of Millikan's work with the oil drop experiment.  When students are looking at their data for patterns, ask if there may be a better way of organizing their data.  When the results have been found, have the students report their results to the class.  Does the mass of one paper clip seem to work with all of their data?  For example, if the mass of one paper clip is thought to be 1.5g, are all the massings in the data table multiples of 1.5 g.  

Summing Up:

1.  Be sure the students explain their reasoning for their answers.

2.  Would more data have been better?  Answers will vary, but     more massing would only verify the common factor found.

  3.     Interpretations of individual sets of data will vary.  Discrepancies could result if not all paper clips were of uniform mass or due to massing errors by the students.

Student Lab Sheet:

Do You Catch Your Clippings?  


       Can you determine the mass of a single paper clip without directly massing it?  


     The purpose of this experiment is to simulate the experiment Millikan used to determine the charge of one electron.  You are being asked to modify his procedures to determine the mass of just one paper clip without directly measuring it.

     The following ground rules must be followed:

1.  Masses may only be taken of the container holding an unknown number of paper clips.

2.  You are to either remove or add a bunch of clips before each massing.  Never add or remove less than five clips.

3.  As you remove or replace clips; the total mass of the remaining clips is to be recorded.  The number of clips removed and the number of clips remaining MAY NOT be determined by counting.  At least 25 mass measurements are recommended.

4.     Form a group plan to use your data to calculate the mass of one paper clip.

Summing Up:

1.  Explain why your answer represents the mass of only one clip.

2.  How would additional massings affect the outcome?

  3.     How would you explain any observed discrepancies in your data?

Activity 7

Teacher Notes

Isotopic Pennies


Lab Time:  1 period  


      Students will apply what they have learned about weighted averages and isotopes to a new situation - coins in a sealed container. 

Teaching Strategies:

     You must mass a number of empty canisters for your students since they should not open their containers.  If the containers are of a uniform mass, simply leave several empty containers around for students to mass themselves.

     Do not give students hints for this lab.  They should be able to figure out for themselves that they need to mass an empty container.

     You may wish to randomly place 15 pennies into each container, or you may wish to predetermine the number of pre-1982 and post-1983 pennies placed in each container.  It will be best to make sure that the containers are not all the same.

     Some students may struggle with the mass, but resist the urge to give them hints.  Encourage them to go back and look at previous work.

Summing Up:

1.  Some students may solve this problem algebraically.

     Other students may simply start with varying combinations of the two types of pennies and adjust these combinations until the total calculated mass equals their experimental value.

2.     Students should realize that they must calculate a weighted average mass, just like what must be done with isotopes to find average atomic mass.  Isotopes of the same element are alike except for the number of neutrons.  As a result, isotopes of the same element have different masses.  In the same way, the fifteen objects students measured were all pennies, but some of them differed in mass, just like isotopes.

Student Lab Sheet

Isotopic Pennies


     How many pre-1982 and post-1983 pennies are contained within the film canister?


     According to Dalton's atomic hypothesis, all atoms of the same element are identical.  This notion of the atoms, however, is somewhat outdated, as not all atoms of the same element possess the same number of neutrons (possess a different atomic mass).  It is in this spirit, a demonic form of torture, involving pennies, has been selected for you.

     Starting in 1983, pennies were no longer made of pure copper, as the cost of making a penny was becoming prohibitive.  Because of this, zinc, a much cheaper metal, was used in conjunction with copper to make a penny.  As a result, the newer pennies possess a different mass.

     The task of this lab is to have you determine the number of pre-1982 and post-1983 pennies that are contained within a film canister without opening it.  In order to do this, a couple of assumptions will be required.  First, there are 15 pennies in each container.  Second, the average mass of a pre-1982 penny is 3.10 grams and of a post-1983 is 2.51 grams.  Use what you already know about how average an atomic mass was calculated for isotopes!  

Summing Up:

1.  Explain the process you used to determine the number of each type of penny.  Include your calculations in your explanation.

2.  Explain how this lab relates to what has been discussed about isotopes.  

Activity 8

Teacher Notes

Mole Stations


Lab Time:  1 period

Teaching Strategies:

     Set up twelve stations at different locations around the lab.  At each station place containers that contain different masses.  Put anything in the containers to represent different masses of elements.  Pennies are a very inexpensive source for the mass.  The students should not open or look inside the containers.

     The station with the water could be a clear container so they can see the water.  The station that represents ozone should be empty and record a mass for the container just slightly lower than its actual mass so the students will get a result when measuring for a very small amount of substance in the container.  Even though the students have not talked about compounds at this time they should be able to figure out that ozone has three atoms for every mole of the molecule. 

     Give different information on a note card and ask for unknowns.  The information may include:

     Mass & element               # of moles

     # Moles & element            mass

     Mass & # moles               molar mass

     Mass & # moles               element

     # Atoms & element            mass

     Set a timer so that each student spends 3 minutes at a station to make the necessary measurements they feel they need to calculate the unknown quantity.  The teacher can give the container mass or have empty containers to subtract it from the total measured mass.  Small film canisters work well for this activity. Be careful, however, since all film canisters do not have the same mass. (See attachment for sample problems)  

Student Sheet

Mole Stations  


       The purpose of this activity is to calculate moles, grams, molar mass, or number of particles by making measurements of a given material.  


1.  There is a series of lab stations arranged around the room.  By each lab station there is a note card with information on it.  Follow the directions and determine the unknown.

2.     You will have three minutes to make all necessary measurements.  If you are done in less time use the time to do your calculations.  Do not move on to the next station until your teacher instructs you to.

Summing Up:

1.  Make a data table and place all necessary information in it including your measurements and calculations.  

Activity 9

Teacher Notes

Unit Test

Chalk Talk  


     By completing this activity students will be able to determine the number of molecules (formula units) of chalk required to write their name.  

Teaching Strategies:

     If students are not sure how to approach this problem, encourage them to think about the exploratory activity in which they counted objects indirectly.  This should get them started on the right track.  

Summing Up:

1.      To determine the number of molecules in your name, first weigh a piece of chalk.  Write your name on the blackboard and then reweigh the chalk.  The difference in the masses is the mass of chalk required to write your name.  The number of molecules can then be calculated.

 2.      Data table

3.  As can be seen in the calculations, by canceling out units, the number of molecules of chalk can be determined.  The conversion factor of the number of molecules in one mole is needed to provide the link between the mass of chalk and the number of molecules in one mole of chalk.

Student Test:


     How can you determine the number of molecules (formula units) of chalk required to write your name?


     Obtain a piece of chalk from your instructor.  Assuming that the composition of the chalk is calcium carbonate determine the number of molecules of chalk required to write your name on the blackboard.

Summing Up:

1.  Explain the procedure, which you will use in determining the number of molecules of chalk required to write your name.  Be specific!

2.  Prepare a data table and record your data and calculations.  Be sure to include units on all of your numbers.

3.  Explain the logic of your calculations.  Be specific.  Why was each step performed?  Is it necessary to know the number of molecules in 1 mole?


Inner Space:  Students work with a partner.  Teacher is the facilitator.  Answer with a question. What do you think?

Rice-O-Rama:  Students work with a partner.  Teacher is the facilitator. Don’t lead the students.  They will really come up with solutions.  Just give them a chance.  Don't get tempted to tell them.

PowerPoint:  Students will take notes next to the printout of the slide.  

Video:  Students will view the video and answer the questions as they watch.  When video is finished students will get together with a partner to discuss questions.  

Bean Salad:  Students will work with a partner  

Molecules of Water in Lake Erie:  same as bean salad  

Mole Competition:  Students will work in a small group to answer a question.  

Do You Catch Your Clippings?  Students will work with a partner.

Isotopic Pennies:  Work with a partner.  Teacher is the facilitator.

Mole Stations:  Students will work independently to solve the lab problems. Teacher is the facilitator.  

Chalk Talk Test:  This can be optional.  It could be a partner ability based test or done individually.


Inner Space:  Exploration activities encourage students to observe relationships, identify variables and develop tentative explanations of phenomenon.  Some students may be able to design experiments that will hopefully lead to formulating models.  The questions that are raised and the methods proposed for investigating those questions are the most vital parts of this initial stage.  Most exploration activities are at least slightly directive in the way they lead students into a more complete understanding of the purpose of the activity.  Students that propose incorrect conclusions should not be penalized, but instead be encouraged to continue to search for explanations of the activities they observe.  The classroom atmosphere should ideally enhance curiosity and interest and encourage both the aggressive and timid students to become equally involved.  Exploration activities should be concluded before students' interest starts to subside - some might span only 10-20 minutes. Student is graded on participation.

Rice-O-Rama:  Student is graded on participation.  This is an inquiry lab and is based on their creativity.  

Bean Salad:  Assessment is based on organization of data and calculations made with the collected data

Molecules of Water in Lake Erie:  Assessment is based on the organization of data in their table and their utilization of the factor label method.  

Mole Competition:  This is a fun activity that gives them practice on solving mole problems.  Students work cooperatively to reach a consensus.

Do You Catch Your Clippings?  Assessment is based on the organization of collected data and the solution reached for their mass of one paper clip.

Isotopic Pennies:  Assessment is based on their problem solving skills to assess the number of pre and post pennies in their container.

Mole Stations:  Assessment is based on organization of the data and calculations.

Chalk Talk Test:  Assessment is based on the thought process to how they calculated their answer.  Organization of the data collected to the data collected.  


Inner Space:  no lab equipment necessary  

Rice-O-Rama:  containers of small uniform objects, metric balance, ruler, graduated cylinders, beakers, etc... If students want to try something they don't have just have them check with the teacher first to make sure it isn't a safety concern.  If it isn't let them try.  Even if you know it won't work, let them figure it out.  It may lead to another idea.  

Bean Salad:  Baggies, one-pound bags of dried kidney beans,

 pinto beans and black-eyed peas. Mix the three kinds of beans together by placing a handful in each baggie.  This will make approximately 28 bags.

How Many Molecules of Water Are in Lake Erie:  water, balance, eyedropper, beaker, and graduated cylinder.  

Do You Catch Your Clippings?  Box of jumbo paper clips per student group, beaker, decigram or centigram balance

Isotopic Pennies:  film canister of 15 pennies, metric balance, empty film canister  

Mole Stations:  samples of materials, balance  

Chalk Talk Test:  one piece of chalk, metric balance

Other tools that are appropriate can be utilized.  For example the computer for lab reports, graphing calculators for calculations, (the screen can also be printed and put in lab report.)  Overhead projector, etc…  


These activities in this unit are based on the learning cycle.  The exploration activities are at least slightly directive in the way they lead students into a more complete understanding of the purpose of the activity.  Students that propose incorrect conclusions should not be penalized, but instead be encouraged to continue to search for explanations of the activities they observe.  The classroom atmosphere should ideally enhance curiosity and interest and encourage both the aggressive and timid students to become equally involved.  Exploration activities should be concluded before students' interest starts to subside - some might span only 10-20 minutes. 

Concept development involves the development of the concept based on the experiences in the exploration phase of the learning cycle.  Mental processes are provided through social interaction between student and student or student and teacher.  The teacher, texts, computers, films and other media, may aid the concept introduction.  It is closely related to traditional classroom instruction.  Audio-visuals, problem sets, assigned reading, individualized and group instruction would all be common methods of helping the students to correctly formalize the initial concepts from the exploration activity. 

An important component is that the common experiences, which occurred during the exploration phase, are referred to in the concept development process.

     In the application phase of the learning cycle, the student tests the schemes or generalization, which seemed to bring observations and explanations back into the whole picture.  If the concept can be generalized to apply in another somewhat different event, the interpretation is assimilated into the concept previously developed or reinforced for more meaningful learning.  The emphasis is not to discover or verify, but rather to use the concept. The students analyze a phenomenon using the patterns or relationships that were first formulated during the exploratory activity and clarified during the concept development.

I would like to give credit to most of these activities to the Iowa Chemistry Task Force in conjunction with the University of Northern Iowa.